Tag: Van Morrison

  • I love a cutesy nickname. But I draw the line at “doggo”.

    There’s just something about it that oddly enrages me.

    It reminds me of cringe reddit slang from 2012.

    As far as I can tell, you can’t schedule a post to be published in the WordPress iOS app?

    Update: you can. You have to hit ‘Publish’ and then it gives you the option. Not the best decision, as I presumed when I hit ‘Publish’ it will publish right away.

    Me (middle) on my first day of secondary school.

    I mostly just get sad when I look at photos of me as kid.

    The hope, wonder and expectation of life is still there on my face, alive and well.

    Adulthood is a sham.

    I am trying my very best to highlight multiple paragraphs in the WordPress iOS app. And it just isn’t letting me.

    For the past few months my background sleep noise of choice has been BBC Radio 3.

    But for the past week I’ve been going to bed a bit later, meaning Night Tracks is over and ‘Round Midnight is on instead.

    I like jazz. But it’s not exactly sleeping music (some of it is. But not as a rule).

    At least tonight I’m going to bed even later than usual and it will be finished soon and Through the Night will take over.

    Yesterday’s post was over 1,700 words. Not too bad.

    I won’t be able to keep that up of course. But I’m pleased my first day was active.

    It was fun brain dumping to be honest.

    Today I’m grateful for… vision.

    An obvious one to be grateful for, I know. But sometimes I think about how much it sucks to not be able to see – if I think about it too much it stresses me out.

    It’s such an essential part of being alive. Not just for convenience, but for… everything.

    Films. Trees. Humans. Mountains. Writing. Computers. Yourself.

    Talking of blindness. There’s a TikToker I like called Ellie Wallwork (@somewhatellie).

    She does a series called ‘things I didn’t know about vision’. It’s interesting to see her learn about the oddities of sight and the world. Like:

    • Seeing out of one eye is not the same as seeing out of both eyes.
    • You can see individual raindrops falling.
    • Your lips are not the same colour as the rest of your face.
    • You can see the moon in the sky.
    • Shadows change shape, depending on where the sun is.

    She is also gay (or maybe bisexual. She says she’s ‘queer’, and I’m never sure if that covers bi people too (also the ‘taking back’ of the word queer, from slur to acceptable description again is interesting)). And it got me thinking about blind people and attraction.

    Are blind people more likely to be gay or bi? I wonder if the differences between sexes are less obvious when blind.

    Though I’m not so sure. I think if you’re a straight man, you’d still find men unattractive when blind. The masculine voice and energy alone is more than enough differentiation.

    It was 0°C when I awoke this morning. Winter is coming.

    A great list of some great, still active forums.

    Song of the Day: Queen of the Slipstream on “Poetic Champions Compose” by Van Morrison.

    And honourable mention to “I Forgot That Love Exists”, which sounds great with headphones.

    I’ve decided to write up my favourite 500 songs. I expect to be done in about 3 years.

    Robbie Robertson in The Last Waltz is my style icon (well, if I had the balls to wear it).

    I can’t sleep if I have even the remotest whiff that there’s an eyelash in my eye. I’m scarred someone bad will result of it being in my eye for circa 8 hours.

    The rest of the day:

    • “The Substance” at the cinema. Weird, good.
    • Steak dinner at Prime with my girlfriend in celebration of my birthday tomorrow.
    • “The Guard”. First time watching it since I saw it on release at the cinema. It’s good. The mood and humour is right up my street.