20 years of playing Age of Empires II

A screenshot of me playing Age of Empires II. I'm against four computer opponents and fighting for my life.
A screenshot of me playing Age of Empires II. I'm against four computer opponents and fighting for my life ha.

I’ve been playing a lot of Age of Empires II over the past few months.

First released in 1999, I was first introduced to it by watching my Uncle play it probably some time in 2003. And I’ve been playing it on and off ever since. Over 20 years!

As a game it has had remarkable staying power. And it’s a prime example of the benefit of single player games.It does have multiplayer as well though. Most of the games I play and have played are multiplayer. And even if I wanted to still play them, I can’t because the servers were turned off long ago. But here Age of Empires is, still working, and still being played. I love it.

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